Basic header with megamenu

Orient users to a site with deeper hierarchical needs.



The basic header with a megamenu is similar in design to the basic header component. The megamenu allows for the inclusion of more links in dropdown menus. You can customize this header (depending on your site structure) and use it with:

  • A text or image logo
  • With or without a search bar
  • With or without call-to-action buttons in place of the search bar

When to use the basic header with megamenu

  • Deep hierarchy. Use the basic header with a megamenu if you’d like to include more than six links in any of your dropdown menus and if you have few enough main sections to allow your horizontal navigation to fit comfortably in the basic header.

When to consider something else

  • Not enough content to warrant a megamenu. Consider using a basic dropdown, rather than a megamenu, unless you need to link to a large number of sub-pages.


  • Package usage: @forward "usa-header";
  • Dependencies: uswds-fonts, uswds-helpers, usa-skipnav, usa-search, usa-button, usa-nav, usa-accordion