

Developing and using USWDS with security in mind

Verifying ZIP release hash

The /security directory in the USWDS repo contains SHA-256 hashes for each USWDS hashed release ZIP file. Use these hashes to verify the authenticity of USWDS release ZIP files. Compare our SHA-256 hash with the hash you generate from the ZIP you wish to test.

You can also find the SHA-256 hash for the current release on the Download page.

OSX/Linux: Use the sha256sum command in a terminal window. (Replace the path with the path to the file you wish to test.)

sha256sum path/to/filename.zip

Windows: Open up PowerShell and run the following command. (Replace the path with the path to the file you wish to test.)

powershell get-filehash -algorithm sha256 .\path\to\filename.zip

Security updates

Latest updates

Meaningful code and guidance updates are listed in the following table:

Date Description

Added security updates section. More information: uswds-site#1304