Basic header

Orient users to a simple site.



  • Use the basic header if you have few enough sections in your main navigation to fit comfortably next to your logo; this decision will depend on the length of your text and whether you include a search bar. You can customize the header (depending on your site structure) and use it with:
    • A text or image logo
    • With or without dropdown menus
    • With or without a search bar
    • With or without call-to-action buttons in place of the search bar

When to use the basic header

  • Limited sections. The basic header is great if you have a modest number of sections in your main navigation.
  • Shallow hierarchy. You may also use it if each main section listed in the horizontal navigation has six or fewer subsections that you’d like to include in a dropdown menu.

When to consider something else

  • Many sections or deep hierarchy. Consider using the extended header if you have more sections in your horizontal navigation than will fit comfortably next to your logo or if you have complex sections that require the use of a megamenu.


  • Package usage: @forward "usa-header";
  • Dependencies: uswds-fonts, uswds-helpers, usa-skipnav, usa-search, usa-button, usa-nav, usa-accordion